Calen & Morgan

On October 13th in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia Calen & Morgan had their lovely wedding. It was a beautiful day, and before the ceremony Calen and Morgan exchanged gifts in a special “first touch” moment, holding hands while still out of each other’s view. Morgan received an acre on the moon, “I love you to the moon and back” being a favorite saying of the couple.

Morgan was absolutely lovely with her Victorian style wedding dress and upswept hairstyle. Calen looked quite dapper in his navy blue suit and bow tie.

These two were a truly sweet and quirky couple. As the ceremony began and Calen walked down the aisle, he was overjoyed to hear “The Shire” theme play, a special surprise from Morgan, but he was even more ecstatic when he saw his bride in her wedding dress for the very first time.

All eyes were on Morgan while her brother escorted her down the aisle. Calen’s father officiated the wedding, and both the mother of the bride and mother of the groom each gave a special presentation. Many tears were shed at the family’s words, and at the beautiful vows exchanged by the couple.

The reception was held at a ranch house belonging to Morgan’s grandmother. A great time was had by all, with the night’s festivities including a pizza truck, speeches from the bridal party, and dancing late into the night. A sparkler send off concluded the evening with cheers and applause for the newlyweds. This was such a fun experience!

Calen & Morgan drove off to their honeymoon as the happily married couple of MR. & MRS. Wood.

We wish them all the best for many years to come!


Eric &Liz


Mariah & Kaleb